Did you know that there are approximately 250 work days in a year. In America, the average number of PTO or Paid Time Off days is 11. That means about 4% of time per year is spent on vacation. Worse yet, according to Forbes Magazine, 52% of those on vacation still report in to work.
What is happening? We believe that the main reason we report in to work is because we are insecure of our jobs. We overwork because of constant fear that we will be laid off, or fired. Bosses may make us feel guilty if we don't "at least check in". Maybe they are jealous we are on vacation.
The pandemic of workaholicism is real. Why do we work? Do we work to be able to do the things we love or be with the people we enjoy? The answer should be yes.
So let's fix this. WorkBX is a set of tools to free ourselves from the chains of insecurity in the work place. Using tools like BossBX, AnonymousBX, and more we'll be able to start calling out the bad behaviors. Just because a company says they have "Work, Life, Balance", doesn't always mean the employees practice it.
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